Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School

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College Counseling

Since the opening of our school in 2004, we take pride in the fact that 100% of our students have been accepted to four-year colleges and universities. In keeping with our college preparatory mission, College and Guidance Counselors will work with students in all grades to help them select the college that will best fit their personal needs and career aspirations. 

Freshmen and sophomores are taught the importance of their grades and how their performance directly impacts college acceptance. These students will take the Explore test as freshmen and the PreACT test as sophomores. These tests will help to further guide them in their college and career exploration.

Juniors will take the PSAT and also prepare for the SAT and ACT tests. Based on their results, they will work with their College and Guidance Counselors to find their best college and career matches. Students will also use NAVIANCE on a regular basis to navigate this experience.

Seniors receive help filling out all of the applications, financial aid forms and learn about the transition to a college environment.
Resources for Student Success
Use NAVIANCE to plan and prepare for your college application process as well as career exploration! Access your PSAT and SAT scores and sign up for College Board tests! Use the Common App to apply to apply to all of your colleges using one application! Sign up for your ACT exam and access test scores!
Test Prep Tool Box
Download the SAT Up App to prep for the SAT anywhere, anytime! Download 5,000 simple and easy to use flashcards for test prep! Download the Visual Vocab App to take a peek at the vocab you need to know for the SAT test!


Q: How do my SAT/ACT scores get to my colleges? Who sends them?

A: You, the student, are responsible for logging onto or and to sennd your official scores to your colleges. Make sure to take advantage of the opportunity to send your scores for free to four colleges when you register for the test.

Q: Can I wait until I get my scores to send them out?

A: No! You should have your scores sent when you sign up for the test. You have up approximately 10 days after taking the test to send a scores for free to four schools. After 10 days you are responsible for paying the fee to send your scores to each school. If this fee is a hardship, please see your guidance counselor.

Q: What about test optional schools?

A: It is the student’s, responsibility to check your list of schools to see which schools are test optional. If a school does not REQUIRE scores, it is in your best interest NOT to send them. Use your free score reports for schools that do require the schools. Your guidance counselor can always send your scores to test optional schools after you apply.

Q: I reported my scores on the Common App. Isn’t that the same thing as sending my scores?

A: No, adding your scores on your Common Application is only self reporting your scores. Schools that require SAT/ACT scores want the official scores sent from or Remember, use your free score reports for schools that REQUIRE scores.
For more information, please contact College and Guidance Counseling office at (978) 689-8222 EXT 30.